The league will be known as The Grayson Athletic Association Basketball Cheerleading League,
Hereafter referred to as GAABCL.
Mission Statement:
To provide a Cheerleading League that is to benefit children by establishing rules and regulations governing such games and exhibitions classifying those who participate therein; determining and defining awards, determining and defining breaches and infractions of its rules and regulations, and imposing penalties as set forth in the Bylaws and in accordance with the law.
This organization gives children an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of l cheerleading with proper adult supervision in a safe environment. With this constructive program our objectives are to:
Improve the physical health of our children with training, conditioning, and exercise that emphasizes participation and safety.
Enhance the psychological well being of our children by reinforcing positive self-image, fairness, and participation.
Use teamwork, sportsmanship, appropriate behavior, and common decency to guide our children in social skills.
Help our children to understand and appreciate the value of personal effort and dedication to team effort.
Article l: Guidelines for Coaches
Each squad will have at a minimum a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Team Mom.
Section 1: Responsibilities:
Develop and nurture a positive attitude and a positive self-image in all cheerleaders.
Prime importance: Direct the conditioning and training of each cheerleader to improve their endurance, resistance to injury, physical health, and coordination.
All criticism should be constructive and given in private for the benefit of cheerleader, and not for downgrading him/her and at NO time shall profanity be used. Violations may result in reprimands, probation, or dismissal of an individual from GAABCL.
Coaching will be conducted from the sideline area only
To ensure that all cheerleaders are of equal importance in your organization.
Section 2: Priorities
Treating each cheerleader on your squad equally and with respect. Maximum participation of all cheerleaders entrusted to your care. While you should always approach coaching in a positive fashion, you should never sacrifice the principles of Human Decency, Good Sportsmanship, or Total Team Participation
Encouragement should always be given; any criticism should be constructive and rendered in a gentle fashion.
Section 3: Conduct
Set the best possible example for members of your squad in your relationship with officials, opposing players, coaches, and parents.
Your personal success as a coach will be measured by the proper physical and psychological development of the youths with which you are working.
You should set an example in dress, speech, and moral conduct at all times.
You should always stress the true and right spirit of competition and sportsmanship.
You should focus your coaching — not to develop superstars, but to teach the fundamentals of cheerleading.
3.1. A coach may sit out a player for major disciplinary reasons, if the coach
notifies the director/asst director prior to the game, and approval
is given.
3.2 A coach may sit out a player from a game if they have missed more than 3 consecutive practices until such time that they are properly in attendance to prevent injury and or confusion with such set skilled cheers and approval is given.
3.3. In the event a coach cannot attend a practice or a game, the assistant coach must be present, if situation arises where both head and asst cannot be available, the coach must appoint a responsible adult to take their place during their absence with the approval of the director/asst director.
3.4. Practice must start and stop at scheduled times.
3.5. There will be no league scheduled practices during Thanksgiving or Christmas Holidays.
3.6. Coaches should not leave a child, especially a younger child, alone at any gym.
Section IV: Team Mom
Responsibility includes but is not limited to:
4.1 Communicating with Team parents regarding practice, game and any scheduling events that may occur during the season at the instruction of the coaches.
4.2 Providing a Team Roster
4.3 Providing a Snack & Clean up Schedule
4.4 Coordinating the Year end Team Gathering
Article II: Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement
Any League Member, in consideration of its membership in the GAABCL, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the GAACBL its Officers, Board Members, League Member Representatives, and other League Members against any claims, disputes, causes of action judgments and or decrees arising out of these Bylaws.
Said indemnification and hold harmless agreement shall include, but not be limited to, any reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, including appellate attorney fees and costs, witness fees, stenographic expenses, expert witness fees and transportation expenses; together with any monetary judgment expense or awards that the court might enter; as well as any cost or expense associated therein
Section 5: Elected Officers
Executive Officers:
The elected officers of Basketball Cheerleading will be
* Cheerleading Director
* Assistant Cheerleading Director
Section 6: Duties of Officers:
The Director shall act as the Chief Executive Officer for GAACBL and shall have the right to make day-to-day decisions regarding Basketball Cheerleading subject to the policy making decisions set by the Board of Directors. The Director shall be the Chief Executive of GAABCL’s Board and shall be responsible for selecting and training the coaches for Basketball cheerleading. The Director in conjunction with the Treasurer will prepare an annual budget for within 60 days upon the completion of the sport, for approval by GAA’s executive Board.
* Assistant Director – Shall assist the Director of basketball cheerleading in the furtherance of his/her duties as might be requested by the Director of that sport. Shall have all such powers and duties as generally are incidental of the position of Assistant Director of that sport as may be assigned to him/her by the Director of that sport or the Board of Directors. Shall assume the duties of the Director of that sport when the Director cannot perform them.
Section 7: Board Members
* Board Members:
The Board for the GAACBL will consist of the following:
*No more than 5 appointed board members
7.I Duties:
Shall assist the Director and/or Assistant Director of that sport in the furtherance of his/her duties as might be requested by the Director and/or Assistant Director of that sport. Shall be responsible for communicating to coaches during the season matters relating to cheerleading operations shall include but is not limited to practice, game, playoff and championship scheduling and other items as seen fit by the Director of that sport, Assistant Director and/or Board of Directors.
7.2 The term for all appointed board members will be one (1) year and will coincide with executive board general election term.
Section 8: No Confidence:
* At any point during an appointed board members term, the GAACBL Board may issue a majority “Vote of No Confidence” to remove the member from his/her responsibilities.
* A new board member will be appointed to serve the remainder of the terms
Article IV- Rules
Section 9
9.1 Squads will be organized and operated in accordance with the following guidelines:
a. There will be no grading of teams during the cheerleading process. Emphasis is placed on maximum participation.
b. Warm ups will take place before the scheduled start of the game.
c. The game schedule will determine which team is home. The Home team will cheer first at half time.
d. Half time cheers must be a minimum of one cheer but no more than two. This will allow for both teams to perform.
e. Players may not interfere with Basketball players during a game.
Songs that contain any form of explicit lyrics or content that is not suitable for a youth sports program may not be used. The Board will approve all music before it is used.
9.2 For Safety Reasons, No Jewelry including Body Piercing is allowed. No pins are to be worn, including award pins.
9.3 Fingernails should be no longer than the length of the finger.
9.4 Hair must be off the face and shoulders.
Section 10: Ejection Rules
Any individual who has been ejected from the game will be required to leave the gym immediately. In the event a player, coach or spectator is ejected from the game, that individual will be required to appear before the Board for appropriate disciplinary action including suspension for the next game(s) and/or expulsion from the program. Disciplinary actions are at the discretion of the Board.
Article V- Awards
Each cheerleader will be awarded one trophy by GAABCL at the conclusion of the season. Additional awards/gifts will be at the discretion of the individual coaches for each squad.
Article VI. Game and Practice Cancellations
GAACBL will follow the Gwinnett County School policy for school closing, early school closure or release of classes due to inclement weather Monday through Friday by automatically canceling all games and practices that are scheduled that day and subsequent days if necessary, if Gwinnett County Schools cancels classes or closes the schools the following days also. Saturday and Sunday cancellation will be at the discretion of the League and will be final. Canceled games or practices will not be made up.
Article VII–Amendments
The Board reserves the right to modify any rules it deems necessary to insure the integrity of the program