The age cutoffs for each age group is April 30th, 2022. This is the age your child will be on April 30th, 2022. The only exception to this is for Fall t-ball; the player must be 4 years of age by July 31st, 2021. We use these date in accordance with Dixie Youth Baseball rules.
T-Ball: ages 5-6 league age on 4/30/2021. 4 years old as of 7/31/2021
Peewee: ages 7-8 league age on 4/30/2022
Minor: ages 9-10 league age on 4/30/2022
Major: ages 11-12 league age as of 4/30/2022
Pony: 13-14 league age as of 4/30/2022
We have 2 pee wee age groups in the spring; 7 year olds and 8 year olds. The 7 year old group is the Coach pitch group and the 8 year old group is Kid Pitch. We separate the groups in the spring to help develop the players with a tiered approach, allowing players to get accustomed to kid pitch in a gradual manner.
The coach pitch league is all coach pitch for the first part of the season and for the latter half becomes part kid pitch and part coach pitch. This gives the players an introduction to kid pitch with the element of coach pitch to help them progress. The kid pitch league is all kid pitch from the start of the season.
In the fall we combine the 7 and 8 year olds together in a coach pitch league. The first part of the season is all coach pitch and the latter part is kid pitch and coach pitch. Since the fall is the instructional season, we have found that this gives the up coming t-ball players an introduction to kid pitch later in the season so that they will have at least seen it before the spring season.
This is always a difficult question to answer at the beginning of the season. A lot of planning goes into setting up the season to allow additional time for weather related cancellations and delays. While we would like to have a tournament at the end of each season, it is just not always feasible. The cost of registration covers a 12 game schedule, it is always our first priority to make sure that we complete the regular season before we start any post-season play. Any post season tournament is additional baseball that is not included in the registration. With that said there are other considerations that we must take into account when planning the season as well as any possible post season plans.
For spring we must consider the last day of school. A lot of families plan vacations right after school is out and therefore would not be able to participate, which might lead to a team having to forfeit games. In the fall we try to be done by October 31st, as this is when the colder temperatures start to set in and we are moving into the holiday period. Cold temperatures are a real concern and the county recommends closing all fields at temperatures below 40 degrees.
We also, due to many request, work our regular season schedules around CRCT and COGAT testing schedules as well as 5th grade trips, spring break, proms, homecomings and the like. During testing weeks we modify schedules so there are no late games during those weeks. In seasons past we had certain age groups, because of the different grade levels represented, where the season schedule had to be modified for a 2 week period. Spring break normally takes 10 days out of the schedule.
Our final determination on a post season tournament is can we get the tournament completed by the end of season with possible weather related delays. We have had post season tournaments cancelled in the past due to weather and this is not an ideal situation either.
Logistically, there are a lot of factors that go into our decision of whether we can have a post season tournament. Each season we must evaluate the available time we have and make a decision as we get closer to the end of the season.
We tried to go to a paid concession worker program in the spring of 2010, at this time the GAA Board has decided to go back to parent volunteers working in the concession stand. Your team moms will have additional information as the season starts.
Registration for spring is in January and the season will start with tryouts in February and games starting the beginning of March. The spring season runs through the end of the school year. Our fall season registration opens in July with the season starting in August and running until October 30th.
Below is a list of some of the items covered by your registration fee:
Game balls
Score Books
Player equipment (catcher's gear and tees)
Field Maintenance items (chalk, line paint, chalk boxes, batter's box templates, drying agent for damp fields, brick dust for infields, clay for pitcher's mound on field 1, re-carpeting of mounds on field 2, 3 and 7, backstop pads, scoreboard lights, rakes, shovels, rollers, pumps)
Batting Cage equipment (nets, backstop pads, carpet, L-screens)
General Maintenance items (service 3 wheeler and 4 wheeler, dugout items, other field needs)
Dixie Youth Baseball fees - fees that DYB charge each association for play in their association
Our fall program is the instructional program. There are fewer players and teams and therefore the players get more instructional time. This gives the players a more relaxed environment to make the transition from one age group to another.
GAA baseball believes in a tiered based program, where the players make natural transitions to each league. During t-ball the players see coach pitch for part of the season; the next step is the fall pee wee program where they will see the continued use of coach pitch and an introduction to kid pitch. Once they have progressed they will then be introduced to all kid pitch at 8 years old (league age). The next transition to minors becomes much easier, because of this stair step approach.
Remember that all players move up in the fall, so your almost 7 year old will be playing with players 6 (almost 7) and 7 year olds that are almost 8. The 8 year olds who are almost 9 will be playing up in the minors. The same holds true for the other age groups also.
Each team is scheduled for at least 12 games.
The number of practices will be determined by the head coach and also field availability. With the large number of players we have, field space is a premium and we do not always have enough space for practices, so we must utilize the schools in a lot of instances. It is the coaches responsibility to request field space for the team to practice, we do not assign time to teams since we can not possibly know everyone's schedules and requirements.
Absolutely! The try-out process is there to help coaches evaluate skills and needs of each child, however it is not a requirement that your child attends. They will still be put onto a team for the upcoming season.
Coach's application can be found on the baseball website. Coaches will be required to sign the GAA Code of Conduct and participate in a background check.
ALWAYS!! GAA is run completely by volunteers. None of the Directors or Officers are paid for their service to the association. We are always looking for people willing to help in various ways around the park. If you would like to be a Coach or an Asst. Coach please fill out an application. If you would like to volunteer in other ways please indicate that on your child's registration.
We offer GGBL travel program for: 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U and 14U
Due to bat regulations being changed across the board with All Stars, GGBL/ Travel Ball and many other Rec leagues, Grayson Athletic Association (GAA) Baseball board has voted to make the following changes:
2 3/4” bats will now be allowed for ALL AGES All smaller barrel bats will also still be allowed All big barrel bats must have 1 of the following stamps:
USA or USSSA 1.15bpf